mardi 17 mai 2016

platform for the Patriots and identity

platform for the Patriots and identity

Posté par plateforme1 le 18 octobre 2014
The purpose of this PLATFORM is to be a working tool and to create a real platform for the Patriots and identity, to be beautiful and real actors with lots of men and women of speakers and a real structure. This is the work that strives to patriots and identity of all kinds and all styles of North, South, East, West and neighboring European countries. Building a French and European platform or the Patriots will speak on the future of France and Europe (civilization). Create a real resistance with a commitment, a charter and doctrine, those who rally this platform will be our friends the other enemies.
The objective is first to bring up people on the platform, know the objectives and the information given to you by other members of the group, blogs and page
On a dedicated Facebook page this effect, we will add directors who have signed the charter unit, a framework for movement. For European movements, the border to France (Spain, Corsica, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium) in the various other political movements said autonomy and independence will be invited to join the platform. It can be Catalan independence or Breton, but the primary goal is to save European civilization so these groups will then work with the French and Spanish counterparts. Most importantly, the defense of Europe and France, the platform takes into account the input of these separatist groups and will not interfere in their propaganda. this is happening on a national scale against the Jacobin state and Zionist Brussels.
Think differently and change that everyone can make a contribution to the building, we need everybody because France is falling apart, rolled by a socialist government corrupted by Brussels and the hordes of migrants influx on the floor of our ancestors, they impoverish us and plunder the wealth earned by the hard work of french and European. We need to keep intact the image, history and the memory of our ancestors died to fight for the freedom of their children, ie join us in honoring their
To do this we aim implosion initially the 5 th Republic.
That everyone who is reading this message know that friends are there to regain control of France with or without the aid of the FN, we will not let our country and our old Europe falling into disrepair and neglected at the hands of Israeli settlers gaza and that’s to keep it simple
Strength & Honor

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